Is Dim Weight and Package Sizing Important?
Your Midwest business needs to focus on several different things all at once: communication, shipping, packaging, customer interactions, production — and everything as efficiently as possible. But what’s just as critical in the overall success plan of a business in the St. Louis, MO area and beyond has to do with how your products actually get to your customers. Your production expenses depend heavily on what packaging solutions you choose, which have to do with dim weight and sizing. Our PLM Companies shipping experts are breaking down why all this matters and how you can make packing easier on your wallet!

You're Paying Too Much for the Wrong Sizes and Weight
What is “dim weight” exactly? In short, “dim weight” has to do with the amount of space one package can take up in relation to its actual weight. Shipping companies tend to base their charges on either your package’s actual weight or its dim weight, whichever is greater. Our PLM Companies staff explains that if you are using the wrong types of packages to ship for Midwest business’ goods, then you run the risk of unintentionally generating a larger dim weight, meaning your wallet ultimately suffers. Partnering with PLM Companies is the perfect way to make sure you don’t end up paying too much for shipping!

Save Money with Shipping Costs
A primary reason why it’s important to consider dim weight when it comes to moving packages is because it heavily affects shipping costs; naturally if a company’s warehouse needs to process several large boxes with increased dim weight, then shipping prices also tend to increase. However, your Midwest business can save dramatically on shipping costs by maintaining a smaller package size and a smaller dim weight. PLM Companies can help you pack more efficiently with our variety of custom boxes available to order, available in just the right size to keep your prosecution costs down!

Save Money with Shipping Chargebacks
While shipping out boxes of goods to your customers, it’s possible to encounter a chargeback situation — when a customer’s shipment is lost or otherwise unfulfilled and he or she disputes their credit card charge. These chargebacks ultimately result in a financial loss for your business, which can be avoided by choosing the right package size and maintaining an affordable dim weight. Our PLM Companies packaging options vary in order to give you the highest-quality box that will arrive to your customer without issue!

We Design the Right Size Packaging to Save You Money
It’s true that time is money, and when your business is constantly shipping out goods to customers, that money lies heavily on the packing itself and the warehouse labor. At PLM Companies, we design the perfect size packages in bulk, so you can accomplish two very important tasks: moving an efficient number of packers each day, and keeping your package’s dim weight affordable. It’s our goal to save you money at every turn by preventing overpacking and saving your business money throughout the packing, shipping, and delivery processes.
Invest In Efficient Shipping Processes With PLM Companies
Take one more worry off your plate as a business owner and partner with PLM Companies’ premium, reliable packaging and transportation. Make sure every order is fulfilled on-time and in the most cost-effective way possible with compromising quality. Order your own shipping packing online today!